n-wss was born out a desire to apply technology appropriately not for the sake of it. Our first major project in Gibraltar required the application of IP technology and infrastructure to the world of radio. Where GSM revolutionised personal communications in its digital form TeTRA has done for the communications of the emergency services. n-wss was at the forefront of this technology implementing the Tetra infrastructure and peripherals supporting Gibtelecom in 1999 through to 2001. The old world of radio communications with the new world of digital infrastructure.
Just one of the reasons why we are well placed to apply leading edge technology to real world requirements producing appropriate solutions...this is our passion. Our engineers have done this around the world, and I mean around the world, and now apply their expertise in Gibraltar. From Taiwan, to Canada, The Democratic Republic of Congo to Scotland, the United States to Bangladesh, South Africa to Italy….we have been there, done it and worn out the t-shirt. We are open for challenges.
Closer to home..do you require a website..from a webpage to a full e-commerce platform we can take care of you. See here one example of a site we are building for a client right now.