see n-wis for Corporate IT or n-wss for any technology not covered by our retail division below...
Whether you need a one POS system for your small shop or a 30 POS system distributed over a number of locations including warehouse management and stock inventory, our solutions, implementation experience and support & maintenance will ensure that you can focus on your business growth.
Increasingly data centric systems offer valuable information to help you manage and optimise your sales. Our system provide data in many forms and our experience and expertise will be invaluable for your business development.
Franchise systems require interface to systems abroad and here too we have a breadth of experience which ensures your franchise partners will receive the data as they require and your store will be able to receive and process data as received.
n-wss ICT Ltd is positioning itself to provide a full and comprehensive range of products and services to cover every aspect of retailing requirements.
Let n-wss be your partner in getting you up and running with any of the following
Design and implementation
Franchise Interface
Point of Sale software and hardware
Data processing
Data Analysis
Stock management and control
Data recovery
Store Processes
We don't only know our technology inside out we also understand well all levels of the retail sector operations, so that we can discuss at your level your requirements and apply the most appropriate technology.
We also understand that the retail space can be serviced by technology to enhance the experience for the shopper and the interaction of shoppers with the retailer and we are building on a portfolio for this space. Contact us to find out more.